Understand the Model Context Protocol and its applications in modern software development.
A guide to understanding memory management in Rust, including ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes
Learn about solidity basics and start building smart contracts in solidity.
Building Server side rendering, server side data fetching and file based routing like next.js from scratch in vanilla react.
Some of the tips and tricks to improve your react app performance.
Sharing about monorepos and how to use them in your projects and thier pros and cons.
Sharing about how react works under the hood.
Undertanding nestjs framework and architecture. Also a open source low code tool called Amplification that lets us write nestjs services very easily.
understanding how google auth works with chrome extensions running with firebase on manifest json version 3.
How and why is golang a better choice for building services these days.
Some pratices that you should follow to write better javascript code. A guide to be a better javascript developer
Understand the internals of javascript and how code is executed in javascript
How can you upgrade/downgrade you EC2 instances with a lambda function. A particular use case I have to face in one of my projects.
A resource for learning about javascript for interviews.
Understanding and learning about different optimizers in neural networks